Sixteen years ago, I walked the Camino Francés. Now, I hope to return to Santiago via the Camino Portugués. As a first step, I followed #caminoportugues on Instagram. And what did that look like?
#santiagodecompostela #compostela #compostelaneando #ruasdecompostela #ruasdeSantiago #ruas #caminodesantiago #caminoxacobeo #xacobeo2021 #caminodelnorte #caminoingles #caminoportugues #viadelaplata #elcamino #theway #peregrinos #pilgrims #galicia #galiza #chove #llueve
Many posts use every Camino hashtag, from #jakobsweg to #caminodelnorte to #caminoingles. This sends the #caminoportugues scroll through Betanzos and Comillas and Grañón. All great places, but not exactly in Portugal.
Maybe I should have picked #caminhoportugues. Or maybe we need new hashtags for each Camino. They’ll work for a season and give us a side trail through digital routes.
What are your favorite hashtags? I’ll keep searching for the #flechaamarela.
And yes, above I packed too many tags…